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We are one of the voices for the direct selling industry in many emerging economies and we take that responsibility seriously. Our mission is to educate, inform and train our distributors to uphold the highest standards in conducting their business. As aspiring entrepreneurs, they are not just building a business that helps them become financially independent; they are leading a wave of change.

To support our growing network of distributors in building a professional and sustainable business, we are establishing a programme called LEC (LOVEN EDUCATION CENTER).

Under LEC, we conduct training programmes, online seminars, create awareness through social media campaigns and videos, provide educational materials through online and offline channels, and help instil in our distributors a sense of pride for being at the forefront of a thriving industry.

A series of interviews with successful and celebrated network marketing leaders in LOVEN. Through real life success stories, we encourage and inspire our distributors to build a long-term business by engaging in honest and professional practices.


Compliance Terms & Policy

To all our LOVEN Distributors / Business Partners, the compliance terms below are set out guide to everybody. The below terms of criteria are necessary to ensure that LOVEN Health & Beauty Products Limited is promoted legally and to ensure that integrity and honesty is always upheld in the program. We would sincerely appreciate it if you can read the below points carefully and ensure that you abide by our compliance terms when discussing or promoting the business opportunity to others.


LOVEN direct selling Marketing is NOT “Get Rich Scheme “or NOT “Investment Scheme”. Above income table is illustration only. If want the income must have group and follow marketing plan. It’s fully workable and achievable. We are not responsible if any individual can’t build group and not earning amount as stated.

Do not promise anybody riches if they “join” underneath you. Instead, you can inform others of your financial track record and communicate an understanding of the industry. As we are not a “get rich quick” scheme, the promise of riches is unethical and is strictly prohibited from the promotion of our program.

If you feel our program is being misrepresented in any way by individual(s), please email: with any information and links.

We wish you the very best of luck and we look forward to helping you grow your business now and for many years to come.

All the best,
LOVEN Legal Team