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20-year experience in network marketing.
Our own factory manufacturing first class products.
100% safe and secured system.
80% payout marketing plan, no overpay.
Protect business partner interest.
One account, multiple income opportunity.
Account can be nominated to next of kin.
Opportunity to partnership in our future project.
What is LOVEN?

LOVEN HEALTH & BEAUTY is a direct selling company that offers a wide range of products in the areas of health, beauty, wellness and lifestyle through an e-commerce platform. LOVEN’s products are designed to help people live healthier and improve their lifestyle and livelihood. LOVEN’s is incorporate in Bangladesh 2023 to focus marketing our own factory first class products to Bangladesh & global markets. All of whom provide support to its growing base of customers and distributors. In addition to providing quality products, LOVEN’s customers can also take advantage of the direct selling business offered by LOVEN by promoting its products and services to others. Thousands of satisfied customers in all over Bangladesh have become Business Partner of LOVEN’s products by earning commissions on product sales.

What is Direct Selling?

Direct selling is a method of marketing and retailing goods and services directly to the consumers, in their homes or in any other location away from permanent retail premises. Such type of sales is largely driven by word-of-mouth referrals. Products sold through direct selling companies have unique features and are exclusive to the company and are not available in malls or department stores.

The direct selling industry has thrived based on such relationship-based marketing for more than 150 years. Approximately 100 million people around the world are involved in this industry in both part-time and full-time capacity.

Is LOVEN is Investment Scheme?

NO. LOVEN is NOT an investment scheme. In fact, it is not any type of scheme at all. It is a legitimate direct selling business where you only pay money to purchase products. If you are interested in becoming a distributor of LOVEN products, you can sign up as an independent representative (IR) through our e-commerce portal at

If someone has misrepresented a LOVEN business or product, please bring this to our attention by sending an email to

How can I Make money with LOVEN?

The only way to earn an income with LOVEN is through product sales. Once you use our products and enjoy them and refer others to purchase them, you can earn commissions on actual sales. LOVEN uses a compensation plan that calculates commissions payable to you based on the sales volume generated through your referrals in our e-commerce portal.

Many entrepreneurial people have taken advantage of our business model to build large sales teams and grow a successful business.